Chad Brown

2 min read


Orangedox Google Drive Press Release

Orangedox brings document-tracking analytics to Google Drive & Dropbox

VANCOUVER, CANADA—Orangedox, a leading developer of document-tracking and analytics tools for Dropbox, has just announced the release of a second major integration point for their flagship product – Google Drive.

From tracking open and download rates for documents to recording how long a user spends reading different pages within an attachment, Orangedox’s mission is to expand the realm of what’s possible in terms of analytics-driven client engagement.

“We found professionals using these services have a strong need to learn which materials are performing,” says Chad Brown, CEO of Orangedox. “It was obvious that we should both expand the feature set to give further insights, and to integrate seamlessly with the other major platform, Google Drive"

Starting on October 24, users will get access to a slate of new features, including page-by-page preview metrics on PowerPoint and Word files and, most significantly, full Google Drive integration for document tracking and analytics.

The tool is primarily suited for account-focused sales and marketing professionals working in medium to large-sized teams. But it has also proven popular among those working in smaller operations, such as freelancers, production companies, and non-profits.

And with the recent news that Dropbox now allows users to sign in using their Google accounts, Brown is betting that Orangedox’s new compatibility with Drive will be attractive to users looking to generate rich, cross-platform packages for clients and prospects. 

“Branded delivery and analytics are really just the beginning of our mission,” says Chris Campbell, co-founder of Orangedox. “We have built the core of our product, and will now expand functionality for ABM (account-based marketing), with deeper insights into engagement behavior – and a level of personalization than hasn’t been possible with other products."

Analytics have dominated conversations around optimizing client engagement for years, and companies such as Orangedox have emerged in response to the need for filling existing gaps in the analytics market for B2B companies, particularly as ABM becomes one of hottest, and most underdeveloped segments of marketing.  Orangedox was first developed as a Dropbox-only platform to provide tracking metrics for documents. Orangedox introduced Gmail compatibility earlier this year to support sales teams’ efforts, with an alternative to regular attachments. Now, with its Google Drive integration, Orangedox fully extends across the two largest document storage and sharing platforms on the Internet. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg: the team are hard at work to release major updates for integration across most major content-sharing platforms, and taking metrics to the next step, by predicting who might be an influential champion within an organization based on their reading and sharing behavior.  

Orangedox for Google Drive is available now. 

For more information, and to try Orangedox for Google Drive, visit