UPDATED Jan 9th 2025
Max File Size
Files shared from Google Drive are subject to a max file size of 500Mb, any larger files will show a 'file exceeds max file size' message in the document viewer and will not be available for download. Files shared from Dropbox do not have a limit on the file size.
Folders shared from Google Drive and Dropbox will only list the first 1000 sub folders and files and will be sorted by ascending name.
Adobe PDF
PDF files that are no larger than 50Mb in size are supported for previewing. PDF files that have a high degree of complexity (large number of fonts and complex elements) may also not be able to be previewed.
Google Docs
Google Docs, Google Sheets and Google Slides that are not larger than 15MB (when exported) are supported for previewing
⦁ Google Docs
⦁ Google Sheets
⦁ Google Slides
Microsoft Office
MS Word and MS PowerPoint that are no larger than 50Mb are support for previewing
*Note document fonts and formatting may not be exact in online previewing, we recommend converting to PDF before sharing for a better online preview
⦁ docx
⦁ pptx
MP4 videos that are no larger than 500Mb are supported for previewing
⦁ mp4
MP3 audio files that are no larger than 100Mb are supported for previewing. Note the embedded album art will be used as a preview image.
⦁ mp3
Images that are no larger than 500Mb with the following file extensions are supported for previewing
⦁ jpg
⦁ jpeg
⦁ png
⦁ tiff
⦁ tif
⦁ gif
⦁ bpm
Text & Code Files
Text files that are no larger than 30Mb with the following file extensions are supported for previewing
⦁ txt
⦁ markdown
⦁ mdown
⦁ mkdn
⦁ md
⦁ c
⦁ coffee
⦁ cpp
⦁ css
⦁ diff
⦁ js
⦁ java
⦁ json
⦁ less
⦁ php
⦁ py
⦁ rb
⦁ sass
⦁ scss
⦁ sql
⦁ vb
⦁ htm
⦁ html
⦁ xhtml
⦁ xml
⦁ sh
*Any file type not specified above, or if they are over the max file size for previewing, will be available for download even if downloading is disabled.
This list can always be considered current and will be kept up to date.
Start your 14-day free trial of Orangedox Virtual Data Rooms and see what Orangedox can do for your business.
Orangedox provides one-click create virtual data rooms that are directly synced with your Google Drive folders.
Check out tips for managing large files.