Virtual Data Roomsfor Google Drive

Create a virtual data room in minutes.
Automatically synced with Google Drive.

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Trusted by hundreds of Companies World Wide

US Dept of Health and Human Services
Baylor University
Overseas Development Institute
Redalpine Venture Partners

Get Started Quickly

Setup you Room in Minutes

Create a data room from your existing Google Drive folder. Critical for startups and venture capital professionals managing deals.

No Uploading.
Files are pulled directly from your Google Drive. No need to duplicate files by uploading to another service.
Always Synced.
No need to manually upload your changes. Your data room is always synced with Google Drive.
Unlimited Space.
No limits on the number of files you can have in your data room.
Data Rooms - Orangedox


Prevent Unauthorized Access

Orangedox is designed for startups and venture capital professionals who require the highest level of security.

Disable Forwarding.
Our Secure Sharing Technology verifies each recipient's device before granting access. Preventing your room from easily be forwarded.
No Passwords.
Allow access to your room seamlessly without the need for cumbersome passwords.
Disable Downloading.
Only allow documents to be previewed online. Preventing downloading and sharing.
Data Rooms - Orangedox

Keep Control

Keep your Deal on Track

Manage access throughout your M&A or fundraising deal and get the insights needed to ensure you close quickly.

Understand who's interested.
Know who's viewing your documents. Right down to the pages they've viewed.
Manage access.
Maintain control over your deal by adding and remove access as needed.
Data Rooms - Orangedox

Never leave your Gmail

Stay within your existing workflow.

Save time switching between tools, instead focus on what matters most - closing the deal.

Never leave your Gmail.
Send and manage your data rooms from Gmail and Google Drive.
Professional Branding.
Brand your data rooms with your logo and colour scheme. Never send out Google branded documents again.
Data Rooms - Orangedox


See what our customers are saying about us

I'm setting up data rooms for our clients all the time and I consider Orangedox a crucial partner in the success and reputation of our company.

Orangedox Testimonial
Keith N.
Business Manager • Staffing & Recruiting
Orangedox Testimonail

Great for our small business!

Jennifer S.
Game Maker • Computer Games

Helps with gaining leads & tracking who accessed our documents.

Michael C.
Producer • Performing Arts

Easy to setup and provides useful information to track downloads and other data regarding shared files.

Michael B.
Owner • Computer Software

Very easy to use.

Shannon H.
UX Designer • Computer Software


Pricing Options for Everyone

14 day free trial & no upfront credit card

So take the time you need to see if the product works for you.

Billed MonthlyBilled Yearly


$15USD / month
per admin*
billed yearly

for professionals who need to secure and track their shared documents.

  • Secure Document Sharing
    up to 500 recipients at a time

  • Auto Document Sync
    from Google Drive

  • Full Document Tracking
    inc. page view times

  • Share Large Files
    up to 500Mb in size

Most popular


$45USD / month
per admin*
billed yearly

for businesses who need professional branding & virtual data rooms.

Pro Features
  • Virtual Data Rooms
    no limits on number of files shared

  • Custom Branding
    add your logo & color scheme


$120USD / month
per team
billed yearly

for teams who need control over their account.

Business Features
  • 3 Admins* Included
    additional for $25/month

  • Team Management
    manage entire team across account

* Admins are users who create and administer virtual data rooms or send & share files. Recipients who view or download files don't require a license.

Take a Tour

Create a Virtual Data Room in minutes

Frequently asked questions

Can't find the answer you're looking for? Reach out to our customer support team

How much storage comes with your Business plan?
Unlimited. Orangedox doesn't store your documents, we pull them from Google Drive so you're only limited by your plan there.
Do I need to pay for each user who views/receives my files?
No. Users who send files (admins) only need an Orangedox license, you can send to as many recipients as you like for no extra charge.
Will people who view my files know who else I've sent them to?
No. Unlike documents shared on Google Drive, Orangedox will never reveal who else you've shared your documents with.
Can I track files sent previously from Google Drive?
Orangedox can only track files shared using our app, any files previously shared with Google Drive can't be retroactively tracked.
Can I update my files after I send them to a customer?
Yes you can. Simply update the file on Google Drive and we'll automatically reflect the changes with everyone you've shared it with. Also you can add new and remove content from your Google Drive folder linked to your virtual data room and we'll automatically reflect the changes in your virtual data room for you.
Can I track a shared Google Drive folder?
Yes you can. We can track everything you share within a folder, including any sub folders as well. Plus we'll sync the content in real time so you never have to worry about your folders getting out of sync.
Can I track my Google Docs?
Yes you can. We support tracking of your Google Docs, Google Sheets and Google Slides in a read only format. Note that Google Docs cannot be downloaded only previewed.
How can I preview PDF files when shared using Orangedox?
Orangedox lets your users preview files like, PDF's, Google Docs Sheets and Slides as well as video and audio files. Full list of files available for preview can be found here.
Can shared Orangedox files be edited by the recipient?
No. Orangedox is intended for one-way sharing of content with your customers so you source files will always be protected from editing.


Send us a message and we'll be happy to answer any questions.

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